Archero 2 Wiki and Guides
Archero's Big Brother

Collection of various game Tips

From Archero 2 Wiki and Guides

Archero 2 Tips and Tricks for various game modes and stages collected in one place by the community.

You can visit Archero 2 Guides for other Guides and useful info on the game.

Overall Tips[edit | edit source]

Overall Tips that that doesn't fall in any specific category.

  • Check Reward Codes often and use them all for extra resources.
  • Try to spend your Energy.pngEnergy before closing the game for a long time, so you will not miss out on the energy recovery.

Events[edit | edit source]

Events-related Tips.

  • Do your best to complete Carnival beginners Event. Rewards for completing single tasks and for getting the milestones are well worth it. Be active and you should be able to comlpete all the tasks by the time Event ends.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Rapid Fire.pngSkills-related tips.

  • Energy Beam.pngEnergy Beam and Energy Ring.pngEnergy Ring skills replace each other. Make sure you are intentionally picking one of those if other one is already picked.

Gear[edit | edit source]

List of tips for the Gear.pngGear related aspects of the game.

  • Feel free to merge gear all the way to Epic without worrying about it too much. Afterwards be mindful of what you are using as a fodder.

Runes[edit | edit source]

List of tips for the Runes.pngRunes aspects of the game.

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